The Fun is in the Risk- Kylie Adele and the Spirit of Entrepreneurship

I loved meeting with Cate! This was the first interview where I felt comfortable to talk about the trauma of separation and how I was able to flip that pain into healing for myself and my clients.

What’s the problem your business is solving? You may have heard that very common business question. In this episode, Kylie Matechuk turns that question on its head. This successful Thompson Manitoba entrepreneur shows us what happens when you take the problems you need to solve for yourself and turn them into solutions for customers.


Entrepreneur Helps Businesses Up their Social Media Game

Every business owner understands that the foundation for growth, and ultimately success, is a well-executed advertising and promotional strategy. And in the twenty-first century, the internet, with all its social media platforms, is ripe with opportunity. Unfortunately for most people over 30 years of age, using these platforms with any

Body confidence- Quit judging + start loving!

It’s summertime here in Northern Manitoba- our days are long, the sun is never ending, and we know in a few short months the snow will fly, so we need to take advantage of the heat and sunshine. But for some of us, this is the worst time of year.