Disease and Digestion

“All of the rules of prudence or gifts of experience that life can accumulate will never do as much for human comfort and welfare as would be done by a stricter attention and a wiser science directed to the digestive system” -Thomas DeQuincy 1785-1876

We are used to putting whatever food, food-like product, chemical or beverage into our bodies and expect the stomach and digestive system to just handle it. From childhood to present, we have lived like this. Hardening the stomach, forcing it to just deal with the constant introduction of garbage into our bodies. Creating the perfect “soil” for disease to pop up mid-life leaving us wondering what happened. 

People currently live with skin issues, allergies, PMS and other hormonal issues, and arthritis to name a few, and don’t correlate any of those problems with their diet or digestion because they don’t have the typical symptoms of a digestive disorder.

Nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, heartburn, belching, gas, indigestion, bloating, appetite disorders and eventually ulcers are all signs that the stomach is crying for help.

If the stomach doesn’t churn properly, then a person won’t make enough digestive acid. If there’s not enough digestive acid then nutrients won’t be absorbed well. How can the body be healthy if the nutrients, minerals, vitamins and amino acids we need to thrive, don’t even get absorbed?

A lot of the times, it is not that we have too much stomach acid, it’s because we have damaged the stomach too much that we have created an environment of too little stomach acid. Lack of stomach acid is one of the main causes of poor absorption of minerals. 

Stomach acid is a natural antibiotic that should be strong enough to kill most organisms in food and to ignite the action of the intestines. In holistic health we call this under-active stomach and can actually support in the formation of ulcers. Taking an antacid will further create harm to this already destroyed environment.

Figuring out if you have excess stomach acid or too little stomach acid is step one to determining the environment of your stomach and to move on to try and remedy. Digestive enzymes help tremendously to digest food as does supplementing with hydrochloride acid to increase the amount of stomach acid if it is found necessary. All of which should be discussed after an appointment with a healthcare professional that supports natural health, and in conjunction with your medical doctor or pharmacist, especially if taking medication.

Look at your diet and be kind to your body. Chemicals from processed food and beverages have no place in the human body. Sadly for a lot of people, taking this seriously doesn’t dawn on them until the moment they are faced with an illness or disease. Having stomachaches or migraines all the time in your daily life is not normal. There are professionals and programs that can help you improve the vitality in your life. Some people have no idea what being truly healthy feels like and I want to help change that.

To work with me to start understanding your digestion needs, fill out the health assessment and I will be in touch! ♥

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